TOC, COD and SAC analyzers
Accurately measure Total Organic carbon, chemical oxygen demand and spectral absorption coefficient for industrial and municipal wastewater using our best fit instruments
Process Photometers
For accurate and reporducible concentration mesurement using process photometers, we are able to determine UV absorption, NIR and VIS with our instrumentation solutions.
Turbidity Sensors and Transmitters
Our turbidity sensors can measure total solid content, suspended solid content with transmitters for drinking water , process water and waste water applications.
Portable transmitters for pH, ORP, dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity metering
Our Liquiline mobile CML18 provides an effective portable system for pH meters, ORP, dissovled oxygen and conductivity measurement to augment your lab measurements.
TDLAS and QF Analyzers
TDLAS and QF Analyzers provide accurate on-line concentration measurement of analytes H2O, H2S, CO2, NH3, and C2H2 in process gas streams
Raman spectroscopic analyzers
Robust optical measurement of chemical composition